
Friday, April 25, 2014

The ISTEP+ (A.K.A the Former ISTEP)

We all dread it, those five little letters that can immediately cause anxiety and stress to any teacher.  You guessed it, ISTEP+!  Since I began teaching, the ISTEP has changed to ISTEP+. With the addition of the plus sign, I thought this would be a flashier, better version of the ISTEP, you know, one that would excite students and teachers alike.  Come to find out, it is basically the same test with a + sign.

Each year, I spend countless hours of my time stressing about this test that essentially tells the state whether I am an exemplary teacher or if I should be ran out of town for being such a horrible human being, as I am sure many of you do as well.  Therefore, in lieu of the upcoming week of testing, I thought I would share the link to my review sheets that I use with students each year before the multiple-choice section of the test.   

The math review sheet will be given to students to work on and then we will go over it in class.  After we go over it, I usually send it home so students can look over it before the test.  Sometimes, I give them extra credit points if their parents sign that they spent some time reviewing it.  

 The science sheet will be a quick review that we will go over in class and then they can take home to review.  If their parents sign that they spent 30 minutes reviewing it, I give them extra credit points.   

 These definitely are not activities I look forward to, but I guess they are necessary evil in preparing students for the ISTEP+ (formerly, the ISTEP, but now better because it has a +.)

post signature - Kara

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